How to Win at the Game of School
- A Survival Guide for Parents and Students -
Change your student's educational experience and you will change his or her life forever. By the end of this 60-minute online workshop, you will...
This is a program that is great to watch together with your student, either during the live broadcast or after you have seen it yourself first (you get the recording, a PDF version of the slides, and a workbook). The true purpose of education is to help a student become a capable adult, and you are his or her foremost and best partner in this process. Sign up for a time that works for you:The workshop, recording, PDF slides, and workbook are licensed by family, so as many in your household who want to participate are welcome under one order. Email [email protected] for group or other licensing information.
About Your Host - Steve Hargadon
Steve Hargadon created one of the first modern social networks for teachers, Classroom 2.0, and runs large online conferences for teachers and librarians. His father was Dean of Admissions at Princeton and Stanford, and Chairman of The College Board--so there's something in the blood! He has done contract work, consulted with, or served on advisory boards for Acer, Adobe, Blackboard, CoSN, Horizon Project / New Media Consortium (NMC), Instructure, Intel, KnowledgeWorks Foundation, MERLOT, Microsoft, Mightybell, NAMLE, Ning, PBS, Promethean, Speak Up / Project Tomorrow, U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. State Department, and others, typically focusing on educational technology and social networking. Steve and his wife have four children and five grandchildren. More...